Australian Values

Monday, February 27, 2006

Australian Values

Good on ya, Peter Costello! It's time someone spoke out. These damned Muslims come over to our country, no respect whatsoever for our values. How many abbo families have the Muslims killed, eh? Answer me that. Probably none. How much abbo land have they seized? Probably none. As far as they're concerned the abbos -- what's left of them -- can live in peace.

How often do Muslims drive to Townsville and run over abbo children? Probably never. Gutless cowards. Even though they know they could get off scott free for murdering abbos, our Muslim brothers leave the killing to white boys.

And there's no excuse for that because they drive the same as we do, like maniacs. The only difference is they do it stone cold sober whereas we do it the civilised way -- pissed.

Come to think of it you never see those Muslim boys pissed. They're no use to the economy even.

They don't smoke dope, they don't snort cocaine and they don't shoot up. Very few of them fuck arse so they're not even contributing to the HIV pool. Furthermore they don't allow their daughters to fuck for money.

They don't make porno or violent movies. When they kill people it's generally just a few dozen or a few hundred. The most they've ever killed in one go is 2,800. Give me strength, Christian America kills more than that before breakfast!

They don't make land mines to blow children's legs off. They don't manufacture napalm to burn peasants to death. In fact what the fuck do they do? OK, so they've stoned a few adultresses to death but that's nothing compared to the millions of "witches" our fellas burned to death, drowned and hanged.

The only thing they have in common with us is their esteemed prophet bloke. He was "betrothed" to an eight year old chickidee called Aisha. Here there is common ground between Muslims and our Catholic clergy, they both like a bit of kiddie sex.

Other than that it's my firm opinion that Muslims are a waste of space on this planet. Most of them are peace-mongering, sober, non contributors to the Australian way of life.

In short, they don't respect our VALUES!

But then...

Muslim Terrorists


Blogger Zeitgeist said...

No I couldn't and I don't. I was playing devils advocate here. If Costello had used the words "laws and traditions" I would have had little or no argument with him, although "traditions" is dubious.

But "values"! C'mon, we are not a nation with values. Bono was interviewed recently and he pointed out that starvation in the third world could be eliminated if we in the west donated point-seven per cent of GDP to dealing with the problem.

Our attitude is, "Fuck that! It's better that a million wog children die every day than for us to have to make a tiny adjustment to our standard of living".

Then we go to church a pray to Jesus.

12:48 AM  

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